DOHS was founded in 1989, at a time when the offshore hydrographic survey industry was increasing the use of contract staff and our founder Dave Oliver realised that a service partner who could take away the headache of finding qualified contractors.
Over 2,000 contractors and industry contacts
Today, we have established ourselves as respected leaders in the supply of hydrographic personnel. We have a team of five in-house experts at our offices in Great Yarmouth, and a database of over 2,000 contractors and industry contacts covering every skillset and every location around the world, including the UK and Europe, North America, Africa, Malaysia,Indonesia and Australasia.
Our contractors offer skills in hydrographic and geotechnical surveys, subsea construction, project management, desktop studies and more to the Oil & Gas, Renewables and Fibre Optic Cable industries.
We specialise in helping you overcome problems such as unexpected peaks in workload, unforeseen skill requirements and illness or compassionate leave. Wherever you’re working, and whoever you need for your project, we can provide them – often in as little as 24 hours.
Wherever you’re working, and whoever you need for your project, we can provide them – often in as little as 24 hours
We have contractors in the UK and Europe, North America, Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australasia, offering skills in hydrographic and geotechnical surveys, subsea construction, project management, desktop studies and more to the Oil & Gas, Renewables and Fibre Optic Cable industries.